Whale sharks start arriving at Ningaloo Reef in mid-March, and it is possible to swim with the whale sharks from this time until mid July with reliability. In the past the swim tour operators only offered the chance to swim with the whale sharks until the end of July, coinciding with this peak season. However, it is also possible to spot whale sharks and swim with them in the months of August, September and October. During the months of August and September, humpback whales are also regularly sighted and so if you're really lucky, you could find yourself swimming with a whale shark in the morning, and a humpback in the afternoon.
It is important to note that swimming with a whale shark in the off-peak months of August to October is less reliable than March to July, but if you plan to visit in Spring it is definitely worth joining a boat swim/snorkel tour and with some luck you will find a whale shark and have time to enjoy this unique experience away from the crowds.
Walk into Luxury's 10 Day West Coast Journey features three nights at Sal Salis luxury lodge on Ningaloo Reef and a full day snorkelling boat tour. In the months of August to October you will have the chance to swim with either whale sharks, humpback whales or perhaps if you're not that lucky, at least some dugongs, mantarays and turtles. Honestly, there is no bad time to visit Ningaloo and get out on the water. The marine life you will spot in one day is truly astounding.